Thursday, May 26, 2011

#72 -Samgyetang @ 토속촌 (To-sottchon)

Samgyetang 삼계탕 蔘鷄湯
To-sottchon 土俗村 (トソッチョン) @ Seoul
Address: 서울시 종로구 체부동 85-1

You'll know why so many people line up for this.
Very special bowl of a memorable journey of taste.

w/ good listening


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

#71 - Katsugiya's Tantan-Men

"Level 3 Tantan-Men w/o Pako but w/ Extra Sansho Seasoning"

and Mr. MS's choice;

Shirunashi Tantan-Men w/ Pako